I had gone to Jim Corbett National Park recently... A beautiful place.. One is transported to a silent sanctuary of tranquility & beauty.. Away from the noise, pollution, rage & fury of the city.. Away from the aggressive populace that marches forward in civilization's conquest march.. To The Jim Corbett National Park.. My 1300 sq km muse... I dedicate these lines -
Amidst the hustle of life around,
An unknown sense of loneliness comes over me.
One never experienced before
And yet so familiar.
The city noises are a distant murmur;
The city noises are a distant murmur;
That drown in the sounds of the stream that lies before me.
The dulcet sounds of waves lapping against the rocks
Calm my turbulent thoughts.
The lone sun, setting in the distant horizon
The lone sun, setting in the distant horizon
Lights up the evening sky
In hues that calm the soul
And relieve it of the day's heavy burden.
And enveloped in such beauty I sit;
And enveloped in such beauty I sit;
Listening to the world go by.
Not a soul around me. And realize that I belong.
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