Sunday, December 31, 2006


31st December.. The end of an year... The threshold of another.. As a set of 365 days draws to a close, our hearts & minds lie in anticipation of the "new" year to come.. What is new about the next 365 days? As we celebrate the onset of the coming 12 months getting inebriated & as "spirits" soar high at the stroke of midnight.. one wonders what so "new" or fresh about this year?

Is it not the same thing every year? Aren't all 31st Decembers spent planning & attending parties? Aren't all 1st of Januaries spent with a terrible hangover and ways trying to get rid of it? And then the same old story unfolds.. Back to the rigmaroll that life has to offer.. broken resolutions, unkept promises.. of losing weight... learning something new.. becoming a better person.. Familiar quotes of "I don't believe in resolutions" or "Resolutions are meant to be broken"

Time, they say, is continuous.. Fluid... compartmentalised & put into silos of days, months, years by humanity for its own convenience (& celebration).. But does each year have anything fresh to offer from the one that has just gone by? Do years go by or is us people who pass the years by? In a false notion of having moved.. While in essence we've moved in a circle (just as the earth has revolved only to find itself at the same place where it began 365 days ago)

As we celebrate the death of 2006 & the birth of the next year in a mathematical series.. I sometimes think if it has given mankind an excuse to forget.. Erase memories with the eraser of time & neatly fold the papers behind sheets of calendars.. But alas! that is not to be.. For apart from the date on the bottom right hand side of the computer screen & the top left hand corner of a child's notebook page.. nothing has changed.. Its the same... You, me, everyone.. Perhaps (hopefully) with a new perspective.. Hopefully you & I have something new to offer this year.. A fresh outlook.. A novel thought process... Insightful & mature..

Until then... Cheers.. & Wish you all a Happy 2007


hopscotch said...

Woah! New Blog! Great way to start a new year! Keep on posting!

Anonymous said...

..the death of the dead, must be, the bare gound for the blossom of a new birth.